At Oya Salon on Small Business Saturday, 10am-4pm, box sets of BODE products will be 20% off! BODE provides modern beauty essentials for hair and skin that are better for you and better for the planet.
BookBuyers is holding our annual holiday sale over Thanksgiving weekend! Buy 2 books, get 1 book free. Buy 1 movie, get 1 movie free (DVD and Blu-Ray).
Join us on Black Friday (11/25), Small Business Saturday (11/26), or Some Other Excuse Sunday (11/27). We're open 11am-6pm daily.
The holidays are quickly approaching and Hula's Island Grill is offering a gift certificate deal. Now through November 30, purchase a $50 gift card and receive a free $10 gift card for yourself. Giving never tasted so good!!
Cypress Boutique introduces our vegan felt Panama hats and wide brim wool felt Panama hats in a variety of colors. These are chic, sophisticated, but casual. Visit us at 800 Lighthouse Avenue, Suite C, or view them on our website .