New Monterey Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

This event has already passed

The New Monterey Neighborhood Association invites everyone to join us for the NMNA's Board Meeting held on the lower level of Hilltop Park Center on the second Monday of every month at 7pm.

Tonight, we'll be considering urban design elements that we value in New Monterey in preparation for updating New Monterey's Area Plan later this year or early next year. Please come and share your thoughts!

Urban design elements include: coordinating design with existing topography, view sharing, following terrain (stepping up a hillside vs. digging into it), converting apartments to condos, appearance of apartments or condos from the street, neighborhood compatibility block by block, front setback from the street (15' or 20'?), decks and porches' proximity to the sidewalk, fence heights, maximum height and size of understory, maximizing open space, limiting parking in the front yard, adding secondary units within existing structures, and placing utilities underground.

Event Details

Starts at:
871 Jessie St
Monterey, CA 93940