Come join us as we continue the discussion of the Lighthouse Specific Plan. Attend the morning or evening meeting - or both! Your input is important in deciding the future direction of our community.
Upcoming meeting dates and topics:
Thursday, August 28, 2014
9:30am-11am: Scholze Park Center, 280 Dickman Ave
7pm-8:30pm: Hilltop Park Center, 871 Jessie St
We will review Chapters 1-3 of the Lighthouse Specific Plan - Introduction, Vision & Goals, Challenges & Opportunities - and begin to discuss Chapter 4, Introduction to Land Use Objectives, Standards & Guidelines.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
9:30am-11am: Scholze Park Center, 280 Dickman Ave
7pm-8:30pm: Hilltop Park Center, 871 Jessie St
We will discuss land use objectives, standards, and guidelines.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
9:30am-11am: Scholze Park Center, 280 Dickman Ave
7pm-8:30pm: Monterey Youth Center, 777 Pearl St
We will discuss land use issues such as trash (service and equipment areas), parking, design guidelines, building design, mass and scale, building materials and colors, lighting, signs, and landscaping.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
9:30am-11am: Scholze Park Center, 280 Dickman Ave
7pm-8:30pm: Hilltop Park Center, 871 Jessie St
We will discuss circulation and parking.
What is the Lighthouse Area Specific Plan? The project area includes the Lighthouse Avenue corridors, and Foam Street which extend from David Avenue at the Pacific Grove City Limits to the Lighthouse Tunnel and connect New Monterey to Downtown Monterey. Under California law, local governments can use Specific Plans as tools to plan for needed revitalization and change, both in existing neighborhoods and new development areas.
Don't forget to visit the City of Monterey's Lighthouse Specific Plan Web Page. For more information, please download the meeting flyer or contact Kimberly Cole, Principal Planner, 831-646-3759.